
One of my great joys is working with people in a constructive manner. And certainly commissions are just that - a group effort to provide an organization or individuals with artwork that will enhance their environment and life experiences.

Spruce MD, Greenville SC

Spruce MD, Greenville SC

It’s been my pleasure to work with art consultants, gallery directors, corporate art advisors, and interior designers to help them and their clients achieve their goals and needs.

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville FL

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville FL

Most of my art sales have come via commissioned work. In my particular case I make small studies almost daily, post them on Instagram and eventually my website for reference. When there is a project, often the client/team has seen my artwork and we can utilize the studies to make larger sized paintings to fit the prescribed needs of our project. If I don’t have exactly what is needed I can generate new studies given the parameters of the project.

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville FL

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville FL

My artwork is in major institutions and residences, most of these are painted on beautifully built birch cradled panels which are sprayed overall with a satin polyurethane protective coating, particularly necessary for common spaces.


Suggested Process

  1. Write out an understanding of a clear overview of project, exactly what is needed, estimate, and due dates.

  2. Produce agreement for project cost and process.

  3. First half/deposit billed out and paid.

  4. Sketches/studies provided for consideration and approval.

  5. Paint and production of artwork, photos provided for approval along the way.

  6. Final artwork sent for approval.

  7. Pack up and ship/deliver artwork to location.

  8. Second half paid within 15 days after project completion.


Partial List of Commission Projects

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY

CSX Corporate Offices, Jacksonville, FL

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Jacksonville, FL

Waterside Mill, Greenville, SC

AC Hotel, Greenville, SC

Spruce MD, Greenville, SC